Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Reasons For The American Revolution - 1574 Words
There are many reason for the American Revolution; however, I broke them up into four major groups: economic causes, ideological causes, strategic causes and political causes. The Proclamation Line of 1763 prohibited American settlement west of Appalachians, protecting Indian fur trade with Britain but limiting American settlement and land speculation. The British government sought to curtail American smuggling and avoidance of British mercantile regulations and customs duties. It also sought to tax Americans to help pay cost of maintaining 10,000 British regular army troops in America and help with the war debt caused by the French and Indian War. Although not high compared with taxes in Britain itself, these were the first taxes†¦show more content†¦Included in this American ideology was also a strong suspicion of regular armies, an anti-standing army ideology that emphasized reliance upon a militia of citizen-soldiers as opposed to hired regulars. A hired army was seen expensive, loyal to the government that paid it, and as seen under military dictators, from Caesar to Cromwell, an instrument of tyranny. Anti-standing army ideology was powerful ly reinforced by the quartering of British regulars in people’s home during the French and Indian War and then in 1770 by the Boston â€Å"Massacre,†in which after being taunted and pelted with ice balls and stones, a squad of British soldiers, guarding the customs house opened fire, without their officer’s orders, killing 5 Americans, including a free black man named Crispus Attucks) and wounding several others. Sam Adams had silversmith Paul Revere engrave a poster blaming the British soldiers for perpetrating a â€Å"massacre†against innocent civilians. The poster was circulated throughout the colonies as propaganda to gain sympathy for the New Englanders’ position and bolster fears of British tyranny and the threat to American lives as well as their property. The elimination of French power in North America in 1763 made Americans lessShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons For The American Revolution992 Words  | 4 PagesAlthough the outcomes of the American Revolution only affected rich, white landowners at the time, it unknowingly provided the stepping stones that will later create equality and liberty for all people in the United States. This historic revolution provided a representative democracy in which future generations may pass or amend laws based on the people’s needs; a radical thought at the time. Other countries since then, such as France and Haiti, have followed the footsteps provided by America inRead MoreReasons For The Revolution Of The American Revolution2327 Words  | 10 PagesCircumstances that lead colonists to the American Revolution The American Revolution was one that was not started in a day, a week, or even a year. Rather, there were many actions taken and many circumstances that led the colonies toward a revolt. 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